1. A System Dynamics Model of the Continuum of Care for HIV/AIDS, in Proceedings of the Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services (ORAHS)
    A. R. Rutherford, S. Kok, R. Barrios, R. Gustafson, and K. Vasarhelyi | Enschede, July 15–20, 2012, E. Hans and I. Vliegen eds. 2012.
  2. Using Mathematical Modelling to Assess Public Health Strategy for HIV/AIDS, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Operational Research Applied to Health Services
    A. R. Rutherford, R. W. Wittenberg, K. Vasarhelyi, B. Ramadanovic, J. S. G. Montaner, Cardiff | July 24– 29, 2011 | P. Harper, V. Knight, I. Vieira, J. Williams eds. 2011.