NepidemiX Course Materials

You can find the latest release of NepidemiX course materials here.

This material was originally written for a tutorial at the Mathematics and HIV 2014 workshop. It is somewhat specific to the hands-on tutorial in NepidemiX held at that time, but may still prove instructive. You can find pdf files of the slides and handouts in the materials directory. There you may also find the LaTeX/beamer sources and image used. The files are the same save for slight edits (removing sponsor logos from the slides [due to potential sharing issues for these] and references/login information to the local computer systems from the handout material).

The tutorial_files directory contains the NepidemiX input files, and data. (As well as the NepidemiX input files used to generate the source network which was not handed out during the tutorial). Neither the scripts nor the tex files are very well commented. If you have any questions, please contact for more information.

These files are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license ( Please attribute Lukas Ahrenberg / if you use or adapt them. Some of the image files have other CC licenses and should be attributed to their respective authors. Please see figures/README_attribution.txt for more information.